Both in terms of what to do if a snake wraps around you and the urgency of the situation.
If we are talking about a giant snake, you need to do something immediately.
But with a smaller constrictor, the need to act is not so pressing.
The action you might take probably won’t be as drastic either.
It definitely makes a big difference whether your life is in danger or not. On that note, let’s find out how you can go about freeing yourself from the grip of a constrictor snake, like a boa or a python.
Table of Contents
What To Do If A Snake Wraps Around You
If a constrictor starts wrapping around you, do whatever you can to keep it from coiling around you completely. If you have a friend nearby, get them to hold and control the snake’s head while you use your arms to unwrap and uncoil the snake from its tail end.
If you are alone, use a stick or a sharp knife to poke the snake. You can also spray alcohol, vinegar, or mouthwash on the snake to startle it and get it to release its hold on you.
How Do You Get A Snake To Let Go Of You?
If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having a python or other constrictor sink its teeth into you and begin to coil itself around you, do the following to try and get free.
Don’t Let The Snake Wrap Around You Completely
Getting bitten is only the beginning. The constricting power of boas, pythons, and anacondas is the real danger. A python’s instinctual attack pattern is to coil tightly around its prey. It twists and spins, disorienting you until you are locked completely and cannot breathe.
If the snake has not yet wrapped around you completely, work hard and fight with whatever you have to prevent the snake from coiling around you more.
You must take action, struggle, and uncoil each coil of the snake (starting at the snake’s tail). If possible, get your hand between your neck and the snake to prevent it from cutting off blood supply to your brain.
Never Walk Alone In Snake-Infested Areas
When it comes to safety from constrictors, having a friend is always a good thing. Your friend can beat the snake or use a sharp object to poke at it and get it to uncoil its coils.
You can also have your friend control the snake’s head while you start uncoiling the snake using your arms, starting from the tail. Without a friend nearby, you will have to resort to other methods of freeing yourself.
Carry A Sharp Knife Or Blade On You
Always carry a knife around your neck (on a lanyard) or around your wrist on a wristband or bracelet when walking in areas known for snakes. Use the blade to attack the snake and stop it from coiling.
If you don’t have a knife, use a sharp stick to poke the snake in its eyes. Remember, cutting the snake’s head off won’t stop it from constricting. Even a dead snake’s muscles can continue to constrict.
Use Mouthwash Or Alcohol
Snakes absolutely detest the smell of alcohol and mouthwash. Keep a bottle in your pocket and if you can access it, splash or spray it on the coiled snake’s face.
How Do You Get A Snake To Stop Constricting?
If a boa or a python is constricting around a pet or another human, you can do the following to get it to stop constricting.
Start Uncoiling It At The Tail
The snake’s tail is weaker than its remaining body. Start uncoiling it around its tail so you can get it off the victim. You can also do this yourself if your arms are free when the boa starts constricting around you.
Squirt Alcohol On The Snake
If the snake is large and is biting the victim, squirt some Listerine, white vinegar, hand sanitizer, or alcohol in its mouth. Snakes detest the taste of these things and will open their mouths and release their bites immediately. Note that alcohol could kill the snake.
Dump A Pitcher Of Hot Or Cold Water On It
Another proven way to stop a snake from constricting is to dump hot or cold water on the snake. They don’t like the sensation and will immediately try to get away.
Don’t Cut The Snake’s Head Off
If a constrictor has already coiled itself around you, you cannot hope to just get it to release you by cutting off its head. The constricting muscles don’t let go, even if the snake is dead. You will also have to cut the snake’s jaws apart to get the snake to release you.
What Does It Mean If A Snake Wraps Its Tail Around You?
Snakes wrap around humans for a number of reasons. The following are all possible reasons a snake will exhibit this behavior.
For Stability
A pet snake might wrap its tail around you for stability. If you are holding your pet snake, it might want some more security to avoid falling down.
You also see snakes doing this in the wild. They wrap themselves around trees and branches using only their tails. By using their tails for wrapping, they keep their upper bodies free to explore.
Ensure that the snake’s coil around you is snug but not tight. It should not cut off circulation to the part of your body around which it has wrapped itself.
Food Response
Most constrictors wrap themselves around their prey as a natural food response. They will do the same to you, if your hands have the scent of the food you handle before feeding the snake.
To prevent a food response in your pet boa or python, handle its food using tongs and make sure that your snake gets to eat regularly.
Fear Response Or Self-Defense
Every animal will try to defend itself when threatened. A snake wrapping or coiling around a human could stem from the need for self-defense, if it feels threatened or scared.
This is what constrictors do. They coil around their predator before they bite when threatened and that is a natural instinct that stems from fear.
To Warm Up
Snakes cannot regulate their body temperatures, because they are cold-blooded creatures. By coiling or wrapping around you, your pet snake may simply be seeking warmth from you.
This is, of course, not the most likely reason your snake may be coiling around you. As long as you have provided optimum temperature and basking areas in the enclosure, a snake won’t rely on you for warming up.
What Do You Do If A Snake Is Coming At You?
If you see a snake coming towards you on the path, get out of its way and give it the right of way. Do not attempt to catch it or kill it. Most snake bites occur when inexperienced people try to handle snakes.
Most snakes are shy and want to avoid humans as much as possible. There is very little chance that a snake will actually chase you or come at you.
Snakes definitely won’t chase humans deliberately. Most snake encounters happen by chance when humans put their hands in crevices or under rocks or logs or they chance upon snakes waiting for their prey or basking in the sun.
If you encounter a snake in your yard, please call the local animal helpline right away.
How To Get A Snake To Stop Constricting: Final Thoughts
If you plan on being out in nature in an area that is home to large constrictors like pythons or anacondas, knowing what to do if a snake wraps around you can save your life. As can preparation, so make sure to bring along things like a knife or alcohol that you can use to get the snake to let go.
If you have a smaller pet snake that often wraps itself around you, the need to get free immediately is obviously not so pressing. You probably won’t want to resort to anything that could injure the snake, so simply begin uncoiling it from the tail. If that does not work, try dumping some hot or cold water on it. But not too hot, of course.
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