In fact, it is the most snake-infested state in the US.
It has 68 different snake species. But most are harmless.
Texas certainly has some venomous snakes, but it does not lead the nation in that category.
Nevertheless, it has enough of them that you want to take precautions when out in the wilderness during snake season.
So, when is snake season in Texas? When are you most likely to encounter dangerous snakes when out and about?
Keep reading to learn which months see the most snake activity. We will also cover some basic precautions you can take, along with what you should do if you end up encountering a venomous snake.
Table of Contents
When Is Snake Season In Texas?
Spring is snake season in Texas. But you can encounter rattlesnakes long past spring. They are generally active from March through October.
We mention rattlesnakes specifically, because they are by far the most common dangerous snake in Texas. It is a good idea to know when they are most active, especially if you like to go hiking or do other outdoor activities.
Let’s take a quick look at the reason snakes are out and about in the warmer months, but not to be found in the colder months.
Why Snakes Have A Season
Snakes are cold-blooded animals. This means they can not regulate their own body temperature and rely on external sources of heat, like the sun, to stay warm.
As a result, they hibernate during the colder months of the year. The weather needs to become warmer so that they can warm up their insides and get their metabolism moving again.
When Texas starts to warm up during March, you’ll start to notice many more snakes appearing. They come out and take advantage of the warm weather to bask in the sun.
In that way, they are not too different from us humans when the weather becomes warmer!
As mentioned above, when people ask about snake season in Texas, what they are really talking about is rattlesnake season. The various rattlesnake species in Texas are the snakes people worry about. So let’s see what rattlesnakes are common in Texas.
Common Rattlesnakes In Texas
The most common rattlesnakes you will come across in Texas are the Western Diamondback and the Black Tail Rattlesnake. Both of these types have features to make them easy to recognize.
The diamondback has a distinguishable black and white striped tail. It has a brown diamond pattern running along its body, which is what gives it its name. It is usually two to three feet long, but it can reach lengths of up to five feet, making it one of the largest Texan snakes.
Of course, it also has the famous rattle on the end of its tail, which is what tells you for sure that that you have encountered a rattlesnake. It will flick this tail up and shake it when threatened, to produce the infamous rattling sound.
The black tailed rattlesnake is more commonly found in the west of Texas. It also has a diamond-like back but it is more grey in color.
In addition to these two, there are also other rattlesnake species in Texas. Some are included in our article on yellow and black Texan snakes. We also have a post on Texan water snakes. The water moccasin is another dangerous venomous snake.
Where You Might Find Rattlesnakes
Rattlesnakes have certain locations where they especially like to roam or bask in the sun. Luckily, you will usually find them far away from human habitation, since they prefer to be in quieter places.
A rattlesnake den could be under a rock, in burrows dug out by another animal, in a dead tree trunk or in between a rock crevice.
If you are wandering around an area where rattlesnakes are commonly found, it is a good idea to keep your eyes and ears open. Snakes try to avoid us as best they can, but if we stumble upon one and startle it, it may strike.
That is why it is always a good idea to wear thick boots when out hiking in areas that are home to venomous snakes. Definitely do not wear sandals or flip flops. It is also a good idea to wear trousers, instead of shorts.
Some people like to carry a walking stick with them, if you plan to walk through long grass. The stick serves to move the grass out of the way, which also makes noise and alerts any snakes to your presence. If they know you are coming, they will hide and stay away from you.
What To Do If You Come Across A Rattlesnake
If you come across a rattlesnake, the first thing to do is to try and stay calm. Any sudden movements or loud noises may frighten the snake and cause it to strike at you in defense.
The best advice is to turn around and go another way. Make a good sized loop around the snake. This may be a bit annoying, if you are out hiking and need to re-route. But being bitten by a snake would be more annoying.
Your safety is the most important thing and the last thing you want to do is upset a rattlesnake. If there is plenty of space around, tray to leave at least six to eight feet between you and the snake to walk around. This ensures enough space to not cause too much fear for you or the snake.
Snakes are a common animal in Texas, so it isn’t always easy to avoid them. They may even pop up in your back yard! If this happens the best thing you can do is call a professional to remove the snake.
Texan Snake Season: Final Thoughts
There are many species of snakes in Texas, but the rattlesnake is the one that worries most people. It is the most common venomous snake in Texas and that is why snake season is rattlesnake season.
And snake season in Texas runs from March to October. Those are the months when snakes come out of hibernation and you are more likely to encounter them out in the wilderness.
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