Thanks for your interest in writing for My Snake Pet. Here are the details to get published.
Topics: anything to do with snakes
Length: 1,200+ words
Cost: We don’t charge for guest posts
Delivery: .docx or Google Drive link. But please do NOT include any images in the .docx. If you have images, send them as attachments via email.
Quality: The article must be the very best for its topic online.We will not publish low-quality articles.
Links: Please source everything with outbound links. In fact, if you do solid research, there should be several outbound links referencing your work. You can include one in-content dofollow link to your site. It must be relevant to the topic and add value for the reader.
Right of refusal: We reserve the right to refuse any submission or to require revisions, if your article is not up to the standards of this site.
Affiliate links: Please do NOT include affiliate links. We may add our own affiliate links to the article.
Copyright: You agree that copyright passes entirely to My Snake Pet.
Contact Info: Contact us at, if you are still interested in contributing an article to this site. We will send you more detailed instructions and let you know the next steps. We look forward to working with you!