Pet snakes are not for everyone. They are wonderful animals and make low maintenance pets. Assuming you don’t get a venomous snake or a large constrictor, of course. They don’t need much care, much attention, much food, or much space. But if you want a pet that will be your best friend, will spend lots […]
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Discovering The Hidden Language Of Snakes
Snakes are mysterious and captivating. And usually misunderstood. Many view them as silent slitherers. But would you believe that they may actually have a language all their own? Beneath their eerie silence lies a world of communication that’s as fascinating as it is complex. In this post, we’ll unveil the secret world of snake communication. […]
Which Snake Personality Matches Your Lifestyle?
Ever wondered if your vibe is more python or cobra? You’re not alone. People have long been fascinated by the symbolic meanings of snakes in cultures worldwide. Today, we’re taking a slithery dive into one aspect: the world of snake personalities. Do your daily habits match those of a python or a formidable viper? Join […]
Transform Your Fear Of Snakes Into A Thrilling Hobby!
Ever thought your biggest fear could evolve into fascination? Well it can. Forget the spine-chilling stereotypes! Embrace an enticing journey, where fear transforms into an extraordinary hobby. Snakes are not just perilous predators. They’re enigmatic creatures that can offer a unique hobby experience like no other. Let’s dive into a thrilling whirlpool of scales, stories, […]
7 Unbelievable Snake Behaviors That Will Change How You See Reptiles
Snakes have long been shrouded in mystery and fear. And that results in a lot of misinformation. But no more! Forget everything you thought you knew! The truth about these fascinating creatures will surprise you. The seven snake behaviors below are stranger than fiction. And they will challenge even the most common misconceptions about reptiles. […]
16 Mind-Blowing Snake Adaptations (That Are The Secret To Their Success)
Snakes are incredible survivalists. They thrive on 6 continents and in every climate zone except the coldest ones. And they manage to do it without even having any limbs. The reason for their success is a number of amazing evolutionary adaptations. It is these unique snake adaptations that give them advantages over their prey and […]
10 Famous Snakes In History, Legend, Or Pop Culture
We have been fascinated by snakes for our entire history. Every culture has some type of myth surrounding these creatures. We will take a look at some of these mythological snakes below. We will also look at famous snakes from pop culture, as well as snake species from history that have since gone extinct. What […]
The 9 Most Unusual Snakes Around The World (+2 Famous Weirdos!)
You often hear people say they hate snakes. But you can’t really lump all snakes together any more than you can lump all humans together. There are thousands of different snake species and they vary a lot. Some of them are quite bizarre. You’ll find the 9 most unusual and unique snakes from around the […]
Black Racer Vs Black Rat Snake (Key Differences & Similarities)
You can see many similarities at first glance. The differences between a black racer vs black rat snake are not as readily apparent. But they are more important. Especially if you are considering one of these snake species as a pet. That’s because one makes for a good pet, while the other does not. At […]
Pet Snakes
Ball Python Behavior: Decoding Your Snake’s Body Language
Your ball python will talk to you. Not with words, obviously. Though that would be amazing. Instead, it talks to you through its body language and behaviors. Ball python behavior tells you far more than you may think. And today you will learn how to decode your ball python’s body language, so that you can […]
How To Choose A Healthy Ball Python (From A Breeder Or Pet Store)
It’s an unfortunate reality for anyone wanting to buy a pet. There are a lot of unscrupulous breeders and pet stores out there. People who think nothing of selling you a sick animal just to turn a profit. They also tend to mistreat the animals under their care. Naturally, none of us want to support […]
How To Create A Bioactive Enclosure For Your Ball Python (Step By Step Guide)
Ball pythons need an environment in their enclosure that is similar to their natural environment. And the closest you can get in your home is a bioactive enclosure. Of course, setting up such an enclosure is more difficult. But it’s still pretty simple, if you know how to create a bioactive enclosure for your ball […]
Best Pet Boas (Learn Why These 8 Boas Make Great Pets)
Boas have a fearsome reputation. Many see them as killer snakes. But that is not true. Even large boas don’t kill humans. And many species actually make for great pets. The best pet boas are ones that even a beginner can handle easily. But some species that are better suited for those with experience are […]
Black Snake Pets (Which Ones Are Good For Beginners?)
It’s the same as with clothes. Some people prefer bright colors. Others prefer jet black. Even if you prefer colors, you can’t deny that a completely black snake is stunning. And luckily, black snake pets are not difficult to find. There are some species that make excellent pets, even for beginners. Keep reading for a […]
How Long Can Ball Pythons Go Without Eating? (And How To Get Them To Eat)
All animals need to eat. But some eat far less than others. Snakes are incredibly efficient. They only need a small amount of energy. As a result, they can go a long time without food. How long can a ball python go without eating? Quite long, though it is still nowhere near some other snake […]
How To Breed Ball Pythons (Easy Step-By-Step Guide)
Are you thinking about breeding your ball pythons? I’ve got some good news for you. It’s far easier than you probably think. All you need are a few supplies. And, of course, you need to know how to breed ball pythons. We can’t help you get the supplies, but we can tell you what you’ll […]
How Much Does A Corn Snake Cost? (Plus Setup And Ongoing Costs)
Corn snakes are one of the most popular snake species to keep as pets. There are a number of reasons for this. For one, they are docile and easy to care for. They are also beautiful. And they are inexpensive. Both to buy and to keep. Unless you want a rare morph, of course. How […]
How Much Is A Ball Python? (Somehow Both Less & More Than Expected!)
The ball python is the most popular pet snake in the United States. There are a number of reasons for this. For one, they are relatively docile and easy to care for. They are also readily available and inexpensive. At least regular ball pythons are. Rare morphs can cost thousands. How much is a ball […]
Can Two Ball Pythons Live Together? (Caution: Read Before You Try!)
It’s a common piece of advice with pets. If you want a pet, you should consider getting a second one, so they can keep each other company. Most animals prefer the company of the same species to the company of a human. And when you have to leave the home, your pet is not alone. […]