Owning a snake is simple, right? You just put it in a box and occasionally feed it. Well, they are relatively low-maintenance pets, but they do need more than a box and some food. In fact, snakes, like all reptiles, are quite sensitive. They like their environment a certain way and if it changes, they suffer. They could even fall ill and die. That means that you, … [Read more...] about Snake Accessories (Best Supplies To Keep Your Pet Healthy And Happy)
How To Make A Terrarium Habitat For Snakes
Snakes can be great pets too! When you mention pets, most people automatically think of dogs or cats, but they are so many other great pets out there. Like snakes! They are easy to take care of, don’t need much exercise, groom themselves, and they love to be handled. They may not be furry or fuzzy or flamboyant, but they make great pets for families and singles … [Read more...] about How To Make A Terrarium Habitat For Snakes
Snake Vivarium: Setting One Up In 11 Easy Steps (With Pictures)
So you've decided to get a snake. Before you go out and get it, you need a place for it to stay. And no, you can go ahead and put the shoe box away. You need a real snake vivarium. What exactly is a snake vivarium, you ask? It's basically just the habitat you provide the snake inside its enclosure. Setting up a snake vivarium is not complicated or difficult. It's … [Read more...] about Snake Vivarium: Setting One Up In 11 Easy Steps (With Pictures)
How To Tame A Snake In 7 Easy Steps
It is always best to get a captive born snake. That way, there is no need to learn how to tame a snake, since it is already used to captivity. All you need to do is get it used to you. But if you capture a snake in the wild, you first have to get it used to the idea that humans are not a danger. And that will take time. It can also be dangerous, depending on the … [Read more...] about How To Tame A Snake In 7 Easy Steps
Garter Snake Care (The Ultimate Guide For Pet Owners)
Garter snake care can be a tricky. But it's worth it. They are a great snake to own, because they don’t take up much space and you can keep several of them in the same enclosure. Add to that their beautiful appearance, feisty character, and a wide range of morphs, and you have just about the perfect pet. But you do need to learn as much as you can about their needs and … [Read more...] about Garter Snake Care (The Ultimate Guide For Pet Owners)
Kenyan Sand Boa (Complete Care Guide For Beginners)
The Kenyan sand boa is one of the most popular pet snakes. And why not? They are beautiful, with several color morphs available. They never get too large, so they won't take up much space. They never eat anything larger than a small mouse. The don't move much. They don't need high humidity. They do need a higher temperature than many other species, but providing … [Read more...] about Kenyan Sand Boa (Complete Care Guide For Beginners)
Smallest Pet Snake (4 Best Snakes That Stay Small)
Say you want a snake, but only have the space for a hamster. What do you do? Just get a hamster? What if I told you you could keep a snake in the space of a hamster? There are actually a lot of snakes out there that stay fairly small, never growing longer than 5 feet. These snakes still take up more space than a hamster, but if you have a little more space, then … [Read more...] about Smallest Pet Snake (4 Best Snakes That Stay Small)
Rough Green Snake Care (Complete Guide To Caring For This Wonderful Pet)
Want a snake, but hate the idea of feeding it mice or rats? There is a snake for you. The rough green snake eats worms and insects, making it much easier to feed than most other snakes. And that's not all. Everything about rough green snake care is easier. They stay small and don't need much space, the are docile, they are easy to find and they are … [Read more...] about Rough Green Snake Care (Complete Guide To Caring For This Wonderful Pet)
Blood Python Care (Complete Guide For New Snake Owners)
The blood python has a bad reputation. But it is mostly undeserved. They are not as aggressive and ill-tempered as some would have you believe. That said, they are also not the easiest snakes to care for. Part of that is their temperament and part of that is their size. They are a bit larger, especially in terms of girth. Despite the size, they don't eat that … [Read more...] about Blood Python Care (Complete Guide For New Snake Owners)
Do All Snakes Bite? (And What To Do If You Get Bitten)
Snakes are often made out to be monsters. Creatures we should fear. But the truth is: snakes do not want to harm us. They don't enjoy biting us and try to avoid it as much as possible. But that does not mean they won't bite. There are a number of things that will cause a snake to bite you. And obviously, some types of snakes are much quicker to strike out at you than … [Read more...] about Do All Snakes Bite? (And What To Do If You Get Bitten)