Ball pythons are the most popular pet snakes in the US. They are small, easy to care for, and usually docile. But they also have a reputation for not wanting to be touched. Is that true? Do ball pythons like being handled or not? Snakes are individuals, just like humans. They each have their own preferences, likes and dislikes. But we can generalize. Keep reading … [Read more...] about Do Ball Pythons Like Being Handled? (What You Need To Know)
Pet Snake Info
Can Ball Pythons Swim? (Do They Even Like Water?)
Ball pythons come from west and central Africa. They like some humidity, but not too much. They generally like to stick close to bodies of water and often have a soak to cool down. But can ball pythons swim? And do they like to swim? Or do they simply use the water to cool down and to drink? Keep reading to learn whether ball pythons can swim, whether they like … [Read more...] about Can Ball Pythons Swim? (Do They Even Like Water?)
Blood Python Vs Ball Python (One Is Much Easier As A Pet)
One of these snakes is a great pet for beginners. The other is not. When comparing the blood python vs ball python, we see many similarities. But also some key differences. And a big one is the temperament. It is what makes one of these pythons much better for first-time snake owners than the other. Keep reading for a detailed comparison of the ball python and … [Read more...] about Blood Python Vs Ball Python (One Is Much Easier As A Pet)
How Often Do Ball Pythons Poop? (+Recognizing A Problem)
Have you noticed an absence of poop in your snake's life? Chances are, it's perfectly fine. Snakes go a long time between bowel movements. We'll cover the reasons for that below. But if you notice a change in the frequency of poops, there may be something wrong. So how often do ball pythons poop on average? And what should you look for to see if there is a … [Read more...] about How Often Do Ball Pythons Poop? (+Recognizing A Problem)
How Much Do Snakes Cost? (Detailed Price Guide)
Are you considering a snake as a pet? If so, congratulations! They can make wonderful pets. But there is a lot to think about before you get one. How much snakes cost is near the top of the list. That does not just mean the initial cost of the animal. You also need to consider the cost of the enclosure and other equipment you need, plus the ongoing cost of food, … [Read more...] about How Much Do Snakes Cost? (Detailed Price Guide)
How To Tell If A Snake Is Happy (14 Dead Giveaways)
You want your pet snake to be happy. That is only natural. Every pet owner wants their pet to live a happy and healthy life. Well, every good pet owner. With some pets, like dogs, it is easy to tell when they are happy and when they are depressed. With other, like snakes, it is not so simple. Snakes do not exhibit any emotions to give away how they feel. In … [Read more...] about How To Tell If A Snake Is Happy (14 Dead Giveaways)
How Do Baby Snakes Eat? (And What To Feed Them)
Do you have a baby snake and you want to know what to feed it? Or are you simply curious? Either way, "how do baby snakes eat?" is a good question. They are not mammals, so they obviously do not feed on their mother's milk. Does that mean they emerge ready to go out and hunt immediately? Not quite. But it's not far off either. While it does depend on the … [Read more...] about How Do Baby Snakes Eat? (And What To Feed Them)
How Long Do Snakes Live? (Lifespan In Captivity And In The Wild)
The lifespan of a snake depends on a large number of factors. First and foremost: snakes survive longer in captivity than in the wild. In the wild, a snake is exposed to predators. Birds and other animals are always looking for a meal. They are especially vulnerable when they are little and unable to recognize danger or defend themselves. Snakes often become food when … [Read more...] about How Long Do Snakes Live? (Lifespan In Captivity And In The Wild)
Rainbow Boa Care Guide (Great Pets, But Not For Everyone)
Imagine owning one of the most beautiful snakes on earth. I'm sure you're expecting a catch. Like it's highly aggressive and venomous. Well, you're right. There is a catch. But it's not venomous. Or even dangerous. The rainbow boa does have a reputation for being aggressive. But that reputation is overblown. Nevertheless, we don't recommend this species for new … [Read more...] about Rainbow Boa Care Guide (Great Pets, But Not For Everyone)
What Do Ringneck Snakes Eat?
Their diet is one of the things that makes ringneck snakes so popular. The others are their small size and docile nature. It all makes one of the easiest snakes to care for. They don't take up much space, they pose no danger, and they are beautiful, with their dark color and the orange or yellow collar that lends them their name. They also don't need to eat rats or … [Read more...] about What Do Ringneck Snakes Eat?