Many snakes can move quite fast. But they are also cold-blooded. And they do not eat very often. This means they need to conserve energy as much as possible. What does this mean for their mobility? How far do snakes travel, in general? It turns out some travel incredibly far. But most do shockingly little traveling. Keep reading to learn everything you need to … [Read more...] about How Far Do Snakes Travel? (The Surprising Truth)
Snake Info
What Animals Are Immune To Snake Venom? (9 Fascinating Creatures!)
Have you seen those videos of a mongoose battling a snake? There are tons of them out there and they are all impressive. The mongoose has a lot of traits that make it an excellent snake hunter. Is a natural immunity to snake venom one of them? And what animals are immune to snake venom, apart from the mongoose (if it is immune)? It turns out, there are a number … [Read more...] about What Animals Are Immune To Snake Venom? (9 Fascinating Creatures!)
What Do Burmese Pythons Eat? (Read Before You Feed!)
Maybe you've seen the videos of pythons swallowing gigantic animals whole. We have one of a python eating an alligator below. But that is a rare occurrence. Pythons do not regularly eat alligators or other gigantic animals. What do Burmese pythons eat most of the time then? They actually have a fairly varied diet. Keep reading to learn exactly what Burmese … [Read more...] about What Do Burmese Pythons Eat? (Read Before You Feed!)
What Do Boa Constrictors Eat? (You’ll Want To Know This!)
I bet you would never have guessed this. Cornell University herpetologist Harry Greene proved that a medium-sized boa constrictor needs less than five pounds of meat per year to stay in good health. Why is that so shocking? Because a pet cat needs at least fifty pounds of flesh a year to stay healthy! What do boa constrictors eat that they can survive on so … [Read more...] about What Do Boa Constrictors Eat? (You’ll Want To Know This!)
Is It Illegal To Kill Snakes In Virginia? (Be Careful!)
I'll begin this article with my usual plea. Please refrain from killing any snakes, unless you have absolutely no other option. These animals mean us no harm and they perform a vital function in the ecosystem. Without them, we would have a lot more rats, for one thing. But what if a snake takes up residence on your property? Is it illegal to kill snakes in Virginia … [Read more...] about Is It Illegal To Kill Snakes In Virginia? (Be Careful!)
Is It Illegal To Kill Rattlesnakes? (Be Very Careful!)
I want to say this first. You should never kill a rattlesnake, unless you have no other choice. They perform a vital function in the ecosystem and they do not mean us any harm anyway. They fear us and do everything they can to avoid us. They only strike if threatened. In addition, killing a rattlesnake could land you in serious hot water. Is it illegal to … [Read more...] about Is It Illegal To Kill Rattlesnakes? (Be Very Careful!)
What Does A Snake Nest Look Like? (Can Be Difficult To Identify)
There is one thing we repeat over and over on this site. Snakes mean us no harm. They are more afraid of us than we are of them. And they do their best to keep their distance. The only time they will strike is when they feel threatened. And few things are as threatening as a human stomping on your nest. What does a snake nest look like then, so that we can make … [Read more...] about What Does A Snake Nest Look Like? (Can Be Difficult To Identify)
Why Do Snakes Yawn? (This Might Surprise You)
We should clear one thing up right away. Snakes don't actually yawn. But they do open their mouths in a way that looks like yawning to us. So we could call it yawning if we want. And we'll continue to use that word in this article. So why do snakes yawn, or open their mouths wide? Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about snake yawning, or mouth … [Read more...] about Why Do Snakes Yawn? (This Might Surprise You)
Poisonous Snakes In Florida (All 6 Venomous Species)
Florida has 44 species of snakes. But there are only 6 venomous snakes in Florida. Yes, venomous. Not poisonous. So why do we use the word "poisonous" in the title (and occasionally in the article)? Because far more people search for that. Then once they are here, we like to take the opportunity explain that venomous is the correct word. If you already knew that, … [Read more...] about Poisonous Snakes In Florida (All 6 Venomous Species)
What Do Rattlesnake Eggs Look Like? (Why No Photos?)
Some people might tell you to simply look for photos of rattlesnake eggs on Google. But that is terrible advice in this case. If you've tried it, you already know you won't find any. There is a reason for that. It's the same reason there are no photos of eggs in this article. And it's not that rattlesnakes don't have eggs. They do. But we never get to see … [Read more...] about What Do Rattlesnake Eggs Look Like? (Why No Photos?)